
UNIDAYS INJUSTICE | Josh Rathour CEO of UniDays

Josh Rathour

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After more than a year trying to tell our story about the systemic abuse, bullying and harassment that is prevalent at UNiDAYS, a breakthrough! We have been given transcripts of four hearings into such cases – but we know that more than 60 people gave evidence! Keep the pressure up to get the full report published and for a change of leadership!
Note: We have not touched, doctored or edited these documents in any way. They contain spelling and grammar errors. This is an internal UNiDAYS document and the spelling and grammar reflect the skills of the person who was tasked with transcribing audiotapes of these hearings. Thank you.
We are a group of people who are deeply unhappy with the history of sexual harassment and bullying at UNiDAYS.

A petition has been set up with Organise (a campaigning platform that exposed the wrongdoings at Ted Baker, among others). This petition now has over 4,000 signatures, please add your own.

More than 50 people have given independent testimony to legal firm Hill Dickinson, who were commissioned to write a report into the work place culture at UNiDAYS. Neither we, or any of the victims, have been able to read the report.

We don’t want UNiDAYS to fail, there are lots of good people there who deserve to keep our jobs. We do want the culture to be exposed and for the CEO, Josh Rathour, to set down.

This site contains testimonies from genuine employees. If you want to share a story about how you were (or are) being treated at UNiDAYS please get in touch with us. If you want to share a story about sexual harassment or bullying in another workplace, we’d also like to hear, and we’d like to try to help.

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